Friday, 24 July 2009

The Champagne Flute Debate

Often people query the description of One Piece Injection Moulded Plastic Champagne Flutes, the query being what does One Piece refer? This simply means that the product is in-one-piece, not in two or three parts. There are many Champagne Glasses for sale which come with the bases loose, these are to be attached prior to use.

While these Plastic Glasses may be cheaper to move around (you can fit more in a box) and as a result a little cheaper to purchase, if you are having a £50 bottle of Bollinger saving a few pennies on your Plastic Glass can prove a fruitless exercise as explained below.

Two piece flutes sometimes wobble as many of the bases do not fit properly, are a pain to assemble and many bases will fall off leaving you unable to put your Champagne down!

One Piece Champagne Flutes obviously do not have this problem and are much closer in appearance to real glass flutes.

Many would argue against drinking Champers from anything other than a proper flute but the plastic champagne glasses have their place, handing over £3.00 for a glass of Champagne and making a profit is a fairly easy thing to do, but only if you receive your Champagne Flutes back from your customers.

Smashed glasses and cut feet are a problem many events organisers and Catering Supplies distributors would rather avoid too, sadly in todays compensation culture world one must cater for the worst case scenario and not rely upon any common sense being used.


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